I started using Fitlap meal plan in december 2020. Back then I used to weigh 89kg which might not look too bad on my photo but I was feeling heavy for myself, I had no energy for anything. It was a sudden realization - I had to do something and I had to do it now.
I started walking, slow and short distances at first but longer and faster as time went on. But it wasn’t enough. A friend of mine showed me this meal plan and the rest is now history.
At first the hardest and most annoying part was weighing every single ingredient. But it made me understand better how much of different food groups I should eat and how out of balance my eating was before.
My biggest support is my husband. We have three small children, a house and a dog and it all takes a lot of time and energy. But instead of finding reasons why you can’t or why you don’t have time, find solutions and you can really do it all. I had no energy at almost 90kg, with just a few steps I was out of breath and everything took time. Now, at 62kg, I have so much more energy, I get all my chores done so fast and have a lot of extra time I didn’t even know I could have.