Chicken & chickpea curry salad

Chicken & chickpea curry salad


  • Chickpeas, canned and drained


  • Chicken breast

    (0.7 pc) 100g

  • Avocado

    (0.3 pc) 35g

  • Yoghurt, Greek, full-fat

    (2 tbsp) 40g

  • Olive oil

    (0.3 tsp) 4g

  • Tomatoes

    (1 pc) 90g


  • Chop the chicken
  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the chicken over a medium heat until brown or cooked
  • Season the chicken with salt and pepper
  • Chop the avocado and tomato
  • Put the chicken, tomato and avocado into a large bowl. Add all the remaining ingredients (including the spices) and mix well before serving

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